lease buyouts for municipalities


Tower, Rooftop, Ground and Water Tower Lease Buyouts for Municipalities

Even the best-managed municipal budgets can be pushed beyond their limits. Our team can support your organization in making the best decisions for your cell towers, water towers, rooftop and ground leases.

Everest is a premier purchaser of ground, rooftop, and water tower leases with municipalities that lease their properties to wireless carriers. Everest can manage and market additional properties for new tenants leasing and also share new rents with the municipality.

Let's Talk
5G technology

Why Sell?

Municipalities can benefit from a lease buyout in several ways. Be able to pay off debt, use the proceeds for a more lucrative investment opportunity, and most importantly, eliminate any and all risk that your lease gets terminated and your income goes away.


  • Receive full value for your wireless asset rather than waiting years to receive monthly rent over time
  • Use proceeds to source funding for government-sponsored projects, pay for capital improvements
  • Increase cash reserves in general funds

Why Everest

Everest is the industry leader in acquiring wireless assets. Our senior team has decades of experience in tower acquisitions and lease buyouts, and we are willing to pay top dollar for cell towers, rooftop and ground leases. Our team is knowledgeable, honest, and responsive, and they are always available for any questions or needs you may have.

Everest owns, operates, and manages over 2,000 wireless infrastructure locations across the United States. Everest was founded in 2015 and has secured over $1 billion in committed capital to fund our wireless infrastructure acquisitions.

Meet the Team Let's Talk

“Everest provided us with customized financial solutions for each of our cell tower leases, including multiple options for each individual cell tower,” said Luke Brown, City Attorney.  “Spencer & Dominic were willing to listen to the specific needs of the City and provide a transaction structure across our portfolio that matched both the City’s current and long-term financial needs.”


City Attorney

How Can I Get a Proposal?

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